New Wave
Pre Punk
Post Punk
Who Cares?

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My intent in building this site was to provide a retrospective look at the music of punkgroupthe punk era, and to offer an opinion as to what CD's to get if you want to further explore the music of that influential time.  I have not attempted to give you a comprehensive list of every punk band, or an exhaustive history of the bands I have listed.  There are other sites on the web that can provide you with more detailed information if you are interested in any particular aspect.  I came across a few good resources while doing my fact checking for this site:

CBGB OMFUG has an excellent web site that includes a shrine to the great  bands that have passed through that seminal punk club.  The CBGB site really gives you a great flavor for the amazing scene that was going on in the NYC bowery.

Punknet 77 is a fantastic site that has a comprehensive database of just about every band from the original punk era.  The site includes biographies, pictures, discographies, and web links.

Blank Generation is a great site that provides an inside look at the New York City punk scene.  The site provides history, photos, and links.

World Wide Punk is the definitive directory of punk sites on the web.

www.punkimperative.com   Visit at the new URL established August 2001.

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